Wildcard Corp.


Domain Name System (DNS)


If you have a domain registered to us, and wish to use simple DNS management you can update your Name servers to:

Lookup the WHOIS information for your domain to determine which registrar is in use , ENOM or MeshDigital or OPENSRS.



Enter in your domain to lookup it's Registrar information: 

ENOM Based Domain Registration

If you have ENOM based domain registration you can update your name servers per the following.

Manage your domain, update the nameservers to be:
  1. dns1.name-services.com
  2. dns2.name-services.com
  3. dns3.name-services.com
  4. dns4.name-services.com
  5. dns5.name-services.com


Mesh Digital Registered Domains

If you have MESH based domain registration you can update your name servers per the following.

Manage your domain, update the nameservers to be:
  1. ns1.dnsfarm.org
  2. ns2.dnsfarm.org
  3. ns3.dnsfarm.org


Wildcard Managed Services

Do not move nameservers away from the Cloudflare entries, otherwise your Website, email etc. will cease to function.

Please make sure to review terms and conditions of use of the DNS systems provided by the respective registrar.: