Wildcard Corp.


Quick Start Guide

Nextcloud Quick start guide 1.Creating new folders and uploading to existing folders To create a new folder, upload a file to an existing folder or create a new text file, click the “+” symbol just to the right of the home icon on the home page. 2. Opening and sharing existing folders From the home screen you can double click any of the folders to view its contents. 3.Sharing folders and/or files within folders Simply select the file/files that you desire to share by clicking the checkboxes then click the share icon located to the right just before the “…” symbol. Then enter the email address of the recipient and click the arrow. 4.Sharing a link Hit the share like you did in step 3 enter the contact info, and the click the share link. The “…” to the right in this field allows you to set a password, allow editing, set an expiration date, add a note to recipient and/or delete the share link. 5. Tagging Files You can tag files to make them easier to find or search for. To create tags, open a file to the Details view. Then type your tags. To get to the details view click the “…” icon for that file, select Details then click the Tag icon and type in whatever Tag you want. 6. Accessing the Gallery Along the top of the window in the blue bar just to the right of the Lightning bolt icon you will see the Gallery icon. Click that and you will be taken to Gallery home page. 7. Uploading photos and sharing From the Gallery home page click the “+” symbol located at the top left. Then click the “upload” drop down. From there you can navigate to the photo you want to upload and select “open”. This will upload the file. Once the photo is uploaded you can click on the image and in the top right corner you will see the Share icon, Trash icon, Download icon and the Exit icon. Click on whatever action you want to do at this point. 8. Calendar Along the top blue bar to the left you will see a calendar icon. Clicking this icon brings you to the Calendar. On the left hand side you will see a “+” symbol by clicking this you can create and name a new calendar. As you did with Files and Photos, Calendar sharing is accomplished in the same manner. You then select the “Share Link” check box, then click the envelope icon, enter recipients and click send. You can also click the Link icon, to the right of the envelope and share the link to the recipient. He/she will then have the option to subscribe and or download the calendar by clicking the links in the top right of this page.